About us

Who We Are

Let’s face it, home cooks are our heroes. A community created by and for culinary specialists is called Allrecipesmenu: The chefs who enjoy the convenience of a slow-cooker version but will devote their entire weekend to crafting the ideal beef bourguignon. The bakers who painstakingly create a stunning nine-layer cake may also be found joyfully doctoring packaged brownies for a rich and easy weeknight treat. The performers simply desire a substantial food spread and little dirty dishes after the evening.

The most significant benefit of Allrecipes is that it links home cooks with one of their biggest inspiration sources: other home cooks. Being the top digital food brand in the world motivates us to do all in our power to maintain community engagement. Nothing less is fair to the sixty million home cooks.

Our History

Allrecipes, originally allrecipesmenu.com when it was founded in 1997, revolutionized the food industry by enabling people to share recipes and cooking advice online and by showcasing the skills of amateur chefs. Since then, Allrecipes has grown to be the biggest community-driven food brand in the world, offering over 60 million home chefs dependable resources every month.

Cooks from all over the world share recipes daily, encouraging one another with images, reviews, ratings, and videos. The Allrecipes community, along with our editorial and culinary professionals, delivers authority that is unmatched on the internet, transforming the brand into a vital tool for chefs of all experience levels.

Above all, we are:

  • friendly We enjoy socializing and exchanging ideas with other home cooks.
  • encouraging Not sure what to serve for dinner? We are available to assist you!
  • Imaginative cooking is a creative endeavour. We enjoy trying new things and expressing ourselves.
  • affable All cooking abilities and recipes are welcome; we don’t pass judgment.
  • Earthly We adore delicious meals. Greatness doesn’t require fussiness.
  • Enjoyable Like you, we like to cook, spend time with friends and family, and laugh a lot.

Allrecipes Magazine

Allrecipes magazine, the food industry’s first major digital-to-print brand extension, debuted in 2013. It is now published five times a year and reaches around nine million people. A seasonal selection of recipes plus real-cook advice from Allrecipes.com is served up in the magazine, along with the greatest new items from the larger food and cooking world (new products, entertaining ideas, rising trends, and more). With each issue, we try to strike a balance between approachable inspiration and practical service.

Most recipes in Allrecipes magazine originate from home cooks’ innovations posted on Allrecipesmenu.com. Before appearing in the magazine, they are all put through rigorous testing, tasting, refining, editing, and professional photography. Additionally, our editors and writers do study on and write about Allrecipes Allstars, interesting cuisines, and other intriguing chefs, organizing and decorating kitchens, culinary tools and equipment, culinary tourism, health, nutrition, special diets, parenting, and pets. To make great recipes easier, good dishes better, and every day a little bit more delicious, we take into account the greatest tips from editors, users, and the cooking community. Get a subscription right away.

The Allrecipesmenu Community

The community of home chefs that make up Allrecipes is its core. They photograph, rate, and analyze each other’s recipes in addition to sharing their cherished family recipes and creating new ones. Over 15 million registered users contribute over 2,000 recipe ratings, 800 new recipe images, and nearly 200 new recipes to the website every week. Additionally, 27 individuals save dishes they adore or wish to test later every minute of every day.

Community Guidelines

Every remark and picture that is contributed to a recipe is moderated by us. We kindly ask that you keep in mind that someone else in the Allrecipes community contributed their recipe with you while giving feedback. Though nasty, nasty, insulting, or spammy comments are not allowed and will not be approved, constructive criticism is always appreciated.

The Allrecipesmenu Allstars

Our passionate team of more than 100 brand ambassadors includes social media influencers, qualified dietitians, grill experts, and more experienced home cooks. This multicultural, food-loving group represents a wide range of cultures, ethnicities, and family structures throughout the United States. Since 2011, the Allstars have contributed tens of thousands of unique recipes, images, and reviews to our website, social media accounts, and other marketing platforms. They have also shared their culinary skills through flat and video content.

Recipe Approval and Testing

Kitchen-Approved Recipes

Readers of Allrecipes have the option to submit a recipe for Kitchen Approved consideration, post it exclusively on their profile page, or preserve it as private. Our staff of recipe editors reviews recipes that are submitted to be Kitchen Approved, making sure each one is dependable and unique while also editing for the Allrecipes style. Every recipe is reviewed in multiple ways, including:

  • Duplication: Editors make sure the recipe is unique and doesn’t already exist in print.
  • Completion: The ingredient list is reviewed to ensure that all the ingredients are included, that the measurements are accurate, and that the items are arranged and categorized correctly based on their intended uses.
  • Accuracy: To ensure that recipes accurately reflect USDA nutritional recommendations, serving sizes and yields are verified.
  • Replication: In order to make sure that a recipe can be repeated while following the directions, it is examined and modified. The editors evaluate the methods, tools, and appliances employed in the recipes and provide clear explanations and illustrations for any intermediate or advanced methods.
  • Health claims: Using guidelines from the dietary professionals at our sister brand, Eating Well, editors assess the use of every health or nutrition claims, such as low-carb, low-fat, or paleo.

After being reviewed and revised, recipes are compatible with our scale, nutrition analysis, shopping list, and various other recipe features in addition to being dependable. Only the greatest recipes are published and promoted after receiving the Kitchen Approved designation.

The Allrecipes community has the ability to rate, comment, and upload images to recipes once they are published. They offer advice on how to improve recipes and modify them to suit individual preferences or dietary restrictions in the reviews.

Allrecipesmenu Magazine Recipe Testing

Recipes that are chosen to appear in Allrecipes magazine undergo additional evaluation and testing. We test magazine recipes in our test kitchens located in Des Moines, Iowa, and Birmingham, Alabama, one to four times.

Every recipe is prepared by skilled test kitchen professionals, who then taste and assess it in collaboration with recipe and story editors. They confirm and clarify all important details (such as ingredient types and amounts, cooking times and temperatures, yields), and make any necessary adjustments to enhance flavor, ease of use, and visual appeal.

Editors and testers also assess and take into account community ideas for recipes that have a history of user commentary. Following thorough testing and editing, a food stylist prepares the recipes for professional photography. A trained dietitian then reviews the finished products for nutrition and health-related tags used in the magazine, such as “Healthy Pick,” “Vegetarian, “Vegan,” and “Gluten-Free.”

Product Reviews

We conduct independent research and test products before publishing reviews. If you click on links in our material, we might get paid a commission for the purchases you make, but we never get paid or given any credit for the advice we offer. Study up on our review procedure.

Diversity and Inclusion

Love is the foundation of the community that Allrecipes is and has always been. We are foodies who enjoy cooking and sharing recipes and anecdotes. In our community, hate, racism, and inequity have no place. The audience of Allrecipes, which consists of 60 million cooks, is incredibly diversified. By showcasing them on the website and becoming the pages of Allrecipes magazine, we hope to honour the home cooks who make Allrecipes a reality.

Although we are aware that there is still more work to be done, we are dedicated to ensuring that members, featured cooks, featured recipes, and stories in both the magazine and our digital products represent the diversity of the Allrecipes community.

We are making an effort to showcase more of the customs and tales from our multicultural audience. Intending to eliminate any prejudice in language and instances of cultural appropriation, including terminology around race, gender, sexual orientation, and glamorized colonialism, we are reviewing and modifying content that makes up 20% of our traffic in 2022.

Additionally, we are concentrating on adding more varied perspectives and contributors to our team, the freelancing pool, and Allrecipes Allstars brand ambassador program. Additionally, we are making efforts to match the diversity of our audience with the voice and video content.