Panera Bread Recipe for Squash Soup

Squash soup from Panera Bread is well known for being incredibly tasty and soothing. With each spoonful, the flavorful broth, roasted squash, and aromatic spices combine to create a creamy combination that uplifts the spirit. You may savor its healthful flavors whenever you feel like eating this well-loved dish—just make a copycat version at home. Let’s go into the specifics of how to prepare squash soup like Panera Bread at home.

Popular bakery-café Panera Bread is well-known for its freshly made soups, salads, sandwiches, and bread. Squash soup is one of the restaurant’s many specialties and a patron favorite. This filling soup is ideal for any occasion since it blends the earthy sweetness of squash with subtle savory flavors.

Why Make Panera Bread Squash Soup at Home?

Squash soup is usually available at Panera Bread, but there are advantages to preparing it at home. First of all, you can maintain the quality and freshness of components when making soup at home. You can alter the recipe to fit your dietary requirements and personal preferences. Furthermore, cooking at home is frequently more affordable than eating out, making it a family-friendly financial choice.


  • Select from a selection of fresh squash, such as butternut, acorn, or kabocha.
  • Other Vegetables: Celery, carrots, and onions for depth and flavour.
  • Herbs and Spices: For seasoning, use black pepper, nutmeg, thyme, and garlic.
  • Cream and Broth: For richness and creaminess, use heavy cream combined with vegetable or chicken broth.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. To prepare the squash, remove the seeds and fibrous strands by peeling and dicing them. Roast in the oven until caramelised and soft.
  2. Simmering the Veggies: Celery, carrots, and onions should be sautéed until tender. For an aromatic taste, add nutmeg, garlic, and thyme.
  3. Blending the Soup: In a blender or food processor, combine cooked veggies and roasted squash. Blend till creamy and smooth.
  4. Reintroduce the combined ingredients to the pot after adding the cream and broth. Add the chicken or veggie broth and heavy cream and stir. Simmer until thoroughly heated.

Tips for Perfecting the Recipe

Panera Bread Recipe for Squash Soup
  • Roasting the squash will improve its flavour.
  • For a smooth and velvety texture, use a high-powered blender.
  • Adapt the seasoning to your personal tastes.
  • Lower the broth content for a richer soup.
  • Before serving, garnish with a dollop of cream or fresh herbs.

Variations and Additions

  • For a touch of sweetness, add some apples or pears.
  • For a spicy twist, add cayenne pepper or curry powder.
  • For added crunch, sprinkle crumbled bacon or toasted pumpkin seeds on top.
  • Add some cooked rice or quinoa to give it more texture.
  • Replace heavy cream with coconut milk to make it vegan.

Serving Suggestions

Serve hot Panera Bread Squash Soup with grated cheese or a dab of sour cream on top. For a filling supper, serve it with some fresh salad or crusty bread.

Health Benefits of Squash Soup

Squash is a nutrient-dense food that is high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This soup’s high fibre content and low calorie content support satiety and healthy digestion. In addition, the recipe’s warming spices have immune-strengthening qualities, making them ideal for colder climates.

Panera Bread Recipe for Squash Soup


What is the duration of Panera Bread’s squash soup?

Squash soup keeps well in the fridge for three to four days.

Is Panera Bread Squash Soup freezer safe?

Squash soup freezes quite nicely. It can be kept for up to three months in an airtight container.

Is it possible to make this dish vegan?

Of course! Just swap out the heavy cream with coconut milk and the chicken broth for vegetable broth.

Which additional kinds of squash am I able to use?

Any type of winter squash, including butternut, acorn, and kabocha, will work well.

If I run out of an ingredient, is it possible to substitute it?

You are welcome to alter the recipe to suit your tastes and what you have in your cupboard. You can find delicious discoveries via experimenting!


It’s time to put on your culinary gloves and start preparing the well-known squash soup from Panera Bread now that you have the recipe. This homemade soup will satisfy your hunger for a comforting dinner at home or as a way to wow visitors at your next get-together. Experience the healthy sweetness and comforting flavours of freshly made squash soup!